
  • Liudmyla Zabolotna
  • Roksolana Kalyn



educational policy, EU educational system, international agreements, European integration, right to education, qualification, educational standards, educational qualification


The article examines the process of adaptation of educational policy in Ukraine, namely at the level of adopted legislative and other legal acts of the European Union and EU education standards, what has already been done and is planned to be developed regarding the increased activation of European integration processes in the field of education through the prism of international law. Determining the legal status of a person and a citizen, the European Union as an association of democratic states that have recognized international acts on human rights and freedoms undoubtedly recognizes international acts such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Covenant on Social and Economic Rights, the International the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and other international treaties on human rights. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that international covenants on human rights are treaties, the states whose participants have officially agreed and agreed to abide by their provisions, concluded them in order to respect, guarantee and take measures for the full implementation of a wide range of human rights and freedoms . In the field of freedoms, the document also establishes the right to education, the right to choose a profession and work, and the right to protection in case of displacement or extradition. A detailed study of one of the key moments of the varieties of social innovation of the social cohesion policy of the EU is carried out - inclusion in education. Inclusion as the concept of integration into the educational and social space of people with the most diverse features and “special” needs is declared at the international level in many legal documents. Inclusion in education concerns both students and teachers. The essence and content of cooperation projects of partners based on the exchange of experience and best practices of different countries of the world with the aim of supporting reforms to improve the quality of education, convergence and understanding of higher education systems around the world have been revealed.


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