



domestic violence, tasks, powers, National Police of Ukraine, police


The purpose of the study is the peculiarities and directions of improvement of the administrative and legal regulation of the activities of the National Police of Ukraine in the fight against domestic violence in the existing conditions. The article analyzes the main normative legal acts of Ukraine, which regulate the adoption of urgent measures to prevent and counter violence in the family, gender-based violence and the protection of the rights of persons who have experienced such violence. The main tasks and methods of work of the preventive work unit of the National Police of Ukraine are: detection of facts of domestic violence and timely response to them, reception and consideration of applications and reports regarding domestic violence, including issues of family violence, gender issues, as well as violence received by the call center, etc. The methodological basis of the research is comparative-legal and systemic analysis, formal-legal methods, interpretive methods, hermeneutic methods, analytical-synthetic methods. The definition of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of combating and preventing domestic violence in the family includes legislative and by-laws, departmental and normative legal acts. It is worth noting that the National Police of Ukraine exercises its powers in the field of prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence taking into account international standards of response of law enforcement agencies to cases of domestic violence and risk assessment. The general and special measures applied to offenders, as well as the specifics of the application of these measures by preventive units of the National Police of Ukraine in the field of prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence, are clarified. Attention was drawn to the fact that bringing the standards of professional training and official activities for the prevention of domestic violence to the generally recognized norms and standards in international relations, as well as the corresponding standards of European and other countries, by the police units that carry out the activities of the National Police of Ukraine, is one of the main directions of reforming the law enforcement system of Ukraine.


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