
  • Volodymyr Bukach



political rights and freedoms, constitutional mechanism, provision and protection of rights and freedoms, institutions of constitutional law


The article summarizes and analyzes the constitutional mechanism for ensuring the realization of political rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the institutions of constitutional law, in particular, the Parliament, the President of Ukraine, the executive and the judiciary, which are designed to ensure these rights. The realization of constitutional political rights and freedoms is impossible without ensuring the organizational and political activities of its state bodies, public organizations, and officials. This follows directly from the essence of law. The activity of these subjects in this area is not an end in itself, but evidence of the reality of individual freedom proclaimed in society, a necessary factor in the transfer of legal opportunities in the real use of social benefits, use of freedom, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. That is why it is so important to determine the role and importance of both the state as a whole and its individual bodies in the mechanism of ensuring the constitutional political rights and freedoms of citizens. Among the tasks that need to be solved, one of the most important is the study of the mechanism for ensuring the constitutional political rights and freedoms of citizens. Protection, protection, guarantee, observance and respect of the rights and freedoms of the person are the subject of a large number of scientific and theoretical studies. However, we consider it necessary to consider the above issues from a fundamentally new point of view, namely "through the prism" of the functioning of a single and integrated mechanism for ensuring the constitutional political rights and freedoms of citizens. Disclosure of the content of the mechanism for ensuring the political rights and freedoms of man and citizen makes it possible to define in more detail and concretely the chain from their enshrinement in the constitution to the moment of their use. The concretization of constitutional political rights and freedoms of citizens presupposes the existence of a mechanism that ensures compliance with the rights and freedoms of citizens.


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