
  • Tetiana Frantsuz-Yakovets



information culture, information society, information security, threats to information security, information law


An important and necessary condition of the modern Ukrainian state is the formation and development of an open, democratic and pro-European information society. The rapid expansion of information relations is giving rise to the evolution of information law and information legislation, but it is clear that modern science, education and law in general do not always keep up with this progress. For example, there are some supporters of the concept of «information society», considering it as a generalization of social transformations, who has the contradictions in this concept and its terminology. The study of issues is relevant from the standpoint of the impact of a huge amount of information on the spiritual world of person, the consciousness of entire groups of people and development of the states. Psychological influence is carried out through the media and is the basis for the use of such influence is the ease of perception and superficiality. Obviously, when the whole complex of information is designed to manipulate public opinion, human consciousness and is presented using physiological and psychological methods and means of its perception, the issue of low level of information culture is important, which reduces human capacity for critical perception, analysis and evaluation of the received information. The term «information culture» is multifaceted for consideration not only as a phenomenon present in almost all spheres of human activity, but also from the standpoint of an integrated concept that includes information literacy as a component that is vital in modern survival of human civilization. The priority of the modern state is to promote the formation of information culture of society as part of the general culture as a whole. In the conditions of formation of the global information society information culture is a factor influencing formation of information needs, introduction and use of information technologies, improvement of information activity and the legislation regulating the corresponding legal relations. One of the elements of such a culture in personal terms is the ability of a person to analyze information and filter the sources of its dissemination. This aspect is especially important in the context of information security in times of war and is a matter of survival of man, society and the state as a whole. In addition, today the information itself has become a great cultural value.


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